Ticket to Ride - Expansion Buyers Guide

Ticket to Ride - Expansion Buyers Guide

Ticket to Ride and Ticket to Ride: Europe are compatible with most expansions. The primary exception is that Ticket to Ride: USA 1910 only works with Ticket to Ride while Ticket to Ride: Europa 1912 only works with Ticket to Ride: Europe. Both Ticket to Ride and Ticket to Ride: Europe are compatible with all Map expansions.

Ticket to Ride: USA 1910

Compatible with:

  • Ticket to Ride

Ticket to Ride: USA 1910 is one of the earliest expansions, and it breathes new life into the original game. This expansion replaces the original destination tickets with a new set, offering more variety and strategic depth to the game. Players must choose their routes wisely, making it essential to balance connecting cities with completing their tickets. It's a simple but effective way to freshen up the original experience.

Ticket to Ride: Europa 1912

Compatible with:

  • Ticket to Ride: Europe
  • Ticket to Ride is compatible with warehouses and depots but not new destination tickets.

Similar to USA 1910, Ticket to Ride: Europa 1912 replaces destination tickets in the European version of the game. It includes Warehouse and Depots introducing a more complex way of completing tickets, which adds a layer of strategy and excitement for seasoned players.

Ticket to Ride: The Heart of Africa - Map #3

Compatible with:

  • Ticket to Ride OR
  • Ticket to Ride: Europe

The Heart of Africa expansion takes you on a journey through the African continent, introducing a new mechanic where players must collect terrain cards to claim routes. This adds an extra layer of strategy, as well as the concept of "big cities," which can yield bonus points. The expansion also offers new destination tickets for added challenge.

Ticket to Ride: Nederland - Map #4

Compatible with:

  • Ticket to Ride OR
  • Ticket to Ride: Europe

Ticket to Ride: Nederland introduces the concept of toll routes, forcing players to pay additional cards to complete certain routes. It adds depth to the strategy as players must decide which routes are worth the extra cost. The Nederland map's intricate waterways and tight network also make for a unique and engaging experience.

Ticket to Ride: United Kingdom - Map #5

Compatible with:

  • Ticket to Ride OR
  • Ticket to Ride: Europe

The United Kingdom expansion combines a double-sided board with technology cards. Players must utilize technology cards to enable new route-building options, making the game more dynamic and strategic. It's a significant departure from the base game and perfect for those looking to challenge their Ticket to Ride skills.

Ticket to Ride: France - Map #6

Compatible with:

  • Ticket to Ride OR
  • Ticket to Ride: Europe

France is a delightful addition to the Ticket to Ride family, introducing two distinct maps: France and Old West. The France map brings in the concept of country-specific train cards and adds tunnels, which can be challenging to claim. The Old West map, on the other hand, incorporates cities that require four train cards of different colors to complete. This expansion not only changes the game's dynamics but also immerses players in the French and Wild West railroads.

Ticket to Ride: Poland - Map #6.5

Compatible with:

  • Ticket to Ride OR
  • Ticket to Ride: Europe

Ticket to Ride: Poland is a smaller expansion that brings new mechanics to the game. It introduces the concept of stock shares, which players can collect to earn extra points at the end of the game. These shares provide a fresh layer of strategy and interaction among players.

Ticket to Ride: Japan & Italy - Map #7

Compatible with:

  • Ticket to Ride OR
  • Ticket to Ride: Europe

This double map expansion is unique because it uses a dual deck system. In Japan, players need both locomotives and specific cards to claim routes, while in Italy, ferries add a new dimension to the game. These two maps combined offer a diverse and thrilling Ticket to Ride experience.

Ticket to Ride: Asia - Map #1

Compatible with:

  • Ticket to Ride OR
  • Ticket to Ride: Europe

Ticket to Ride: Asia is renowned for introducing team play. Players form pairs and work together to complete routes, but there's a catch – they must share train cards and communicate efficiently to win. This expansion is an excellent choice for a game night with larger groups.

Ticket to Ride: India - Map #2

Compatible with:

  • Ticket to Ride OR
  • Ticket to Ride: Europe

Ticket to Ride: India offers another twist on team play, introducing the concept of Mandala connections. Players earn bonus points for completing routes that encircle cities. This expansion brings a refreshing take on the game's mechanics, making it more challenging and fun.

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