Poster Politics 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle by Springbok

SKU: SP-3310941
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Poster Politics highlights the campaign trail from the stump days of Abraham Lincoln to the Reagan Years (1981-9). No matter if you're an independent or part of a puzzle union, this jigsaw is a "capitol" idea, and here's why: each ad makes for easy sorting and division amongst one (or more parties).

From left to right: Come Home America (George McGovern); El Biejo Onesto Abe Cigarros (Abraham Lincoln); A Great Man With A Vision (Jesse Jackson); Bring U.S. Together (Shirley Chishlom); McGovern A Little Light in a Cold World (George McGovern); Johnson & Kennedy Button (Lyndon B. Johnson); Ronnie is my choice in '68; (Ronald Reagan); Prosperity at Home, Prestige Abroad (William McKinley); I'm For Betty's Husband Button (Gerald Ford); Fordzie, Happy days are here again (Gerald Ford); Well, Dewey or Don't We (Thomas Dewey); Roosevelt and Johnson (Theodore Roosevelt); America First! (Warren G. Harding); He's making us proud again (Gerald Ford); I'm Just Wild About Harry (Harry S. Truman); Kennedy (Robert F. Kennedy); The President (Richard Nixon); James Earl Carter Jr. Button (James Carter); Jimmy Carter for President Democratic Primary — May 18 (James Carter); McCarthy Peace (Eugene McCarthy); Nixon's the One (Richard Nixon); "Bill" (William Taft); Kennedy for President, Johnson for Vice President (John F. Kennedy); Forward with President Truman "No Retreat" Button (Harry S. Truman); He stood up alone and something happened. McCarthy (Eugene McCarthy); Reagan-Bush '84. Bringing America Back (Ronald Reagan); Hoover for President Button (Herbert Hoover); Our Country's Choice (Grover Cleveland); Keep Cool With Coolidge (Calvin Coolidge); Vote Democratic November 2, 1948 (Harry S. Truman); I Like Ike Button (Dwight D. Eisenhower); Protection To Home Industry (Benjamin Harrison); Jesse Jackson '88 (Jesse Jackson); Lyndon Johnson U.S. Senator (Lyndon Johnson); A Gentleman from Mississippi (William Taft); Vote for peace. Vote for prosperity. Vote for Ike. (Dwight D. Eisenhower); I'm for Nixon Button (Richard Nixon); Bobby is my choice in '68 (Robert F. Kennedy); Roosevelt. Truman. (Franklin D. Roosevelt); America First. Harding and Coolidge. Junior Booster (Warren G. Harding); The Kept Faith In Nation, State, Country, and City. Vote Straight. Democratic. (Franklin D. Roosevelt)


  • Pieces: 1000
  • Measures 30" x 24"
NamePoster Politics 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle by Springbok
Subtitle Poster Politics 1000
Title Default Title

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Poster Politics 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle by Springbok